Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Tattoo & piercing

i love tattoo, may be i will make a small tattoo later at my arm,
or may be at under of my belly bottom.
seems so art! we are here in Bandung city has a great tattoo shop.
but i just havent found the sign that i really like.

gue suka bangat tato, pengen juga tato
cuma belum ketemu sign yang benar benar tepat buat gua
kalao bener dapet
pengen juga tatu
bareng orang yang gue cintai selama ini
itu juga kalau die setuju.

karena ella gua rasanya gak suka hal hal seperti ini
sayangnya mata orang ngerasa orang bertatu
kurang berimage.



i also like piercing, i have a piercing at my ear.
and i will piercing my 2nipples too
in the future.
i must find the stand that really expert
of doing this.
hahahha yeah seems so freaking me.
but i do really want to do it.

also watch this videos:
seems not hurt anyway.

also watch this self pearcing:

seems so seductive when piercing nipple.
with no bleeding

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The difference between fiction and reality? Fiction has to make sense, and fiction is the truth inside the lie,
There was never a good biography of a good novelist. There couldn't be. He is too many people if he's any good. To understand reality is not the same as to know about outward events. It is to perceive the essential nature of things and imagination is the living power also prime agent of all human perception.
The heart has its reasons which reason knows not of.
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