thanks to everyone who visit this page.
i made this blog first of all i dedicate it to my bf in faraway city - bogor.
it takes a lot of time to make everything's fine [this blog],
coz i'm here in bandung city (one of the biggest gay community of indonesia)
besides posting and arrange this blog, i also do my routinity such as my job.
i arrange what's best for my blog. Hopefully, my bf could also enjoy opening this blog.
and about the interior, i convert the previous page into this new look, i'm happy that my bf like it. and hope people who visit my blog also could enjoy this.
my postings are not only about porn and naked things, but also any other stuff that could make us laugh like spoof videos i found on internet, some healthy information, books, movies or any information that i need to know.
and about the visitor, i knew that some of you are not gay
i'm so very sorry for the visitor who are
woman or straight man
who unintentionally led into this blog, may be by searching the information you need on the google searchbox hope you are not offense by this coincidental.
in my spare time, i always open some gay bloggers site. the interesting blogs or websites i visit are such as:
(by the vietnamese which always posting hot guys pictures and also hot videos),
tiggah tigz(filipino, he is a cute guy),
Ehirano blog [he post lovely and creative pictures there in his blog],
and any other websites (like Adam Bouska's) i must admitted that my blog is still far distance to reach category as the best blog ever made like theirs!
included the content of postings,
my english is too poor to express my feeling into english.
may be it's still "a long way to go" to speak english fluently.
haha.... i'm still a beginner in english.
and about what i idolize, it's been
the Damon
ex fretmen member.
he's great and perfect idol for me.

and also i admire porn stars like
johnny harden for his perfect body and perfect penis.
The cute/handsome: Jeremy east and cezaro.
i wonder how they maintain their health [i mean fit]
to make his gun keep aroused?
i feel tired after finish the 3rd or 4rd round with my bf.
but they are paid for the proportional price

like Tim Evanson [gay correspondent] said:
"In gay porn, actors usually make more money than their male hetero porn counter parts. According to statements made by gay porn stars in Dave Kinnick's SORRY I ASKED, the average gay porn star makes about $500-800 per film, whether it's one scene or several. Some gay porn stars, such as Joey Stefano and Ryan Idol and Jeff
Stryker, have claimed to make up to $1,500 per picture due to their star drawing power. Newcomer gay porn star Dave York says that salaries for newbies to gay porn now run around $1,000 per picture, and the Adam Film World Gay Video 1995 Directory says that Ryan Idol commands upwards of $10,000 per movie now"
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The difference between fiction and reality? Fiction has to make sense, and fiction is the truth inside the lie,
There was never a good biography of a good novelist. There couldn't be. He is too many people if he's any good. To understand reality is not the same as to know about outward events. It is to perceive the essential nature of things and imagination is the living power also prime agent of all human perception.
The heart has its reasons which reason knows not of.
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